What is the right format of metadata?

I extrated from Seurat object the raw metadata of a healthy liver single cell. Instead of classifying cells by their original tissue, I have 3 column metadata with information about cell nomenclature, RNA expression and number of feature expression.

I would like to add this metadata in Cellenics because I have more than 12000 cells and I do not want to add one by one. On the other hand, the format illustrated in Cellenics is not clearly specified from my point of view.

Could give me a more detailed format of metadata?

Thank you in advance

Hi Sergio,

It sounds like you would like to add cell-level metadata to Cellenics. Unfortunately, this feature is not yet available. Currently, you are restricted to adding sample-level metadata via the ‘add metadata’ button in the Data Management module.

Do keep an eye out for this feature being implemented in Cellenics in the future!