Parse Biosciences acquisition

Congratulations on your acquisition! I realise its very early days and apologies if this information is available elsewhere but are you able to comment on how the acquisition will impact Cellenics users? Will the service be dependent on using Parse biosciences technology or will it remain open as it is currently?


Hi Kit,

Thanks for getting in touch and asking a great question!

Although it is early days and we’re still figuring out the plans for moving forward, we have agreed that the instance of Cellenics that is hosted by Biomage will remain accessible to current and new users. We do not anticipate that use of Cellenics will be dependent on being a Parse Biosciences kit customer (in other words, we’re keen to continue to support users with data generated by other technologies).

It’s worth noting that one line of open conversation is that if support for non-Parse customers becomes expensive and unsustainable, we may in the future implement a fee for non-Parse customers to use the platform. But this is in early stages of discussion and we’ll certainly keep Cellenics users updated if we decide to move forward with a subscription model. In the meantime, everyone is welcome to continue using the platform for free.

I hope this information is helpful. Please do let me know if you have any remaining concerns!

Hi Vicky,

Thanks for the quick update! Cellenics has been amazing for analysing my 10X datasets and I’m keen to continue seeing all the improvements that keep being made to the platform.


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