Linear dimensional reduction with geneset data exclusion

Is it possible to do the UMAP and downstream analysis with exclusion of a specific gene list?

Just to add i’m looking to exclude immmuglonulin genes. You have the option to exclude cell cycle genes or MT at the Data Processing step, but I would like to do my own set of genes.

Hi Raquel,

Thanks for your question!

You are correct that you can exclude cell cycle genes in step 6 of the Data Processing module. Unfortunately, we don’t yet have the option to exclude a set of custom genes.

I’ll defer to our bioinformaticians @Ger_Bioinformatics and @Sara_Bioinformatics to comment on how easy it would be to implement this.

Hi Raquel,

Excluding a set of custom genes shouldn’t be too complicated to implement, indeed the backend for this is already set up to allow this extension.
We could add the implementation of this feature to our plans if it’s in high demand.