Would love to be able to bulk remove genes in the heatmap

I know we can add multiple genes to the heatmap but it would be nice to easily remove the ones that are pre-populated.

Hi Emily,
This is indeed something that is currently not possible and that we have on our roadmap.

However, I can suggest a small workaround that might help you. By default 8 marker genes per cluster are loaded to the heatmap and it takes a lot of clicking to remove them 1 by 1. Here are some steps to make that easier:

  1. From the Gene Selection panel, select “Marker genes”
  2. Put “1” as the number of marker genes and click “Run”

This way you’ll be left with one gene per cluster, and this selection remains when you return to “Custom genes”. Now you’ll have less genes to remove manually.

Hope this helps!

Hi Emily,

happy to let you know that you can now bulk remove genes in the heatmap!

A “clear all” button is added that will remove the complete gene selection for you:

Hope you like it!

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