How do I download the list of marker genes for each cluster in xlsx format?

How do I download the list of marker genes for each cluster in xlsx format?

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Hi Maria,

Thanks for posting your question and welcome to the Cellenics community forum!

Unfortunately, it is not possible at the moment to download in one go a list of all marker genes for all clusters. This is a feature that is on the roadmap for Cellenics for the near future though, I’ll keep you posted on this!

There is a work around you can use for the moment, but it is not ideal. These are the steps to follow to get a CSV file with the marker genes for one cluster at a time (see screen shot below):

  1. Go to Plots and Tables and select the Volcano Plot
  2. In the Differential expression panel, select the first option and compare one cluster against All other cells within All sample/groups, and click Compute.
  3. Click Export as CSV

To get the marker genes for all clusters, you would have to repeat the above steps for all your clusters.

Not ideal, but I hope this helps answering your question. Let me know if my answer is unclear!

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