The violin plot of cluster to get the p-value significant in violin plot z-score between the two groups?

I performed snRNA-seq analysis of nuclei from lungs of two genotype mice, Flox with normal levels of cGAS gene in all cells and Cre with knockout of cGAS in lung cells expressing CCSP (Scgb1a1). I now wish to identify the predominant cell type from which cGAS was knocked out. I processed data analysis and data exploration with cGAS expression for metadata analysis in the final step. The violin plot of cluster to get the p-value significant in violin plot z-score between the two groups?

Hi, I’m not sure I fully understand your question, but if you’re asking how to obtain a p-value directly from the violin plot, unfortunately, that isn’t currently possible. I’d suggest using the differential expression tool in the Data Exploration module to calculate the p-value. Please let me know if this addresses your question or if you have any other questions.

Hi Sara-Bioinformatics, it would be great if a new version of cellenics provide that capability of t-testing between violin plots. just my 2 cents

Hi Julie,
I agree, that would be a helpful feature. We’ll consider this for future development.
Thanks for your input!