Is there a count of cells in each cluster?

I’m looking for information on the number of cells in each cluster and wonder if that is available.


Hi Philip, absolutely, you can find the information on the number of cells in each cluster within the “Cell sets and Metadata” panel of Data Exploration. Once you select a specific cluster, the number of cells contained in that cluster will be displayed in the top right part of the panel, as shown in the screenshot:

Screen Shot 2024-04-08 at 9.25.26 AM

Additionally, if you wish to visualize this information, you can use the Frequency Plot in the Plots and Tables module. There, you have the option to choose between ‘Proportional’ and ‘Count’ in the Plot type settings, which will allow you to see either the proportions or the actual cell counts in each cluster, as you can see in this screenshot:

I hope this helps!